The 10Press Project

What is 10Press?
10Press was a local, collaborative letterpress print project run by Commoners Press in 2022. During the project 11 new letterpress works were created by community members from the City of Merri-Bek Moreland in Melbourne Naarm. The works were then printed by Commoners Press.
The participants of 10Press are: Holly Denshire-key, Michael Fikaris, Marius Foley, Sarah Hargrave, Will Mahon, Dale Nason, Mohamed Nur, Nicole Polentas, Mona Quilty, Amaara Raheem, Sofia Sabbagh.
The created works responded to the prompt,
Commoners Press is looking for visual works about Moreland: Its creative future, its past or other hidden stories - in one or two colours.
Additional context: Renaming Merri-bek (Merri-bek Council)
10Press was created with the generous support of Arts Merri-bek through their Flourish grants.
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Project launch and exhibition
10Press was launched at an exhibition on 17 November 2022.
The exhibition continued from 19-25 November at Coburg Studios, 69 Charles St, Coburg North
During the exhibition all attending artists and designers spoke about their work.

Commoners Press
The Commoners Press was formed in 2017 with the purchase of 3 traditional letterpress machines, one paper guillotine and various printing sundries (paper stock, printing ink and tools) from Ray, owner of Excell Press in Brunswick. Ray had bought them new in the 1960ies and sold them to us when he retired in 2017. He continued to show us how to operate these machines alongside Geoff White, a former pressman who completed his apprenticeship on the very same machines.
In January 2021 Commoners Press moved from Brunswick to Coburg North and is now part of Coburg Studios on Charles Street. A semi-trailer was required to transport this very heavy machinery.
At the end of 2021, Commoners Press received a grant from Merri-bek Council to work with creative community participants and groups based in Moreland. The outcome of this was the 10Press project and the plan to develop works from the Merri-bek community to be printed by Commoners Press was realised.